University Teaching Feedback
“Class this semester was great and if you are teaching another class next semester, I want to know! I really enjoyed everything this semester and it was really fun”
“I enjoyed the hands on experience we had through each subject whether it be musical examples, outside guest, interactive activities and group work. The instructor had a very good knowledge of the material of each religion and religious themes discussed. She is very eager to teach and makes the discussions interesting.”
“it was cool because (being a music producer myself) I actually felt like country music was able—to my surprise—to contextualize so many important events on a side of/century of the recording industry that I never really studied in my major or paid much attention to before thanks again for helping me...really take something away from your class.”
“I liked the actual analysis of music and history of actual songs/examples....Eye-opening. Never really looked at music like that.”
“After taking this course... I know how to find the information I need. And it helped broaden my mind when I was practicing.”
“Dr. Justice has a passion for the material and is engaging.”
“I actually really enjoyed this project. The format ...[of tracing a theme over a century] honestly made me feel like i was in a time machine. I learned a lot more about events that shaped sound engineering from a different side of what I’m used to!”
“My professor is very straight-forward and passionate about what she teaches....I liked the variety of subjects we learned. I can’t really think of any changes [I would make to the course].”
“Even though this class is in a 3-hour time slot, Dr. Justice keeps it interesting!”
“Dr. Justice is very knowledgeable about the history of American music. She is able to communicate her knowledge to students in an interesting way that made it fun to learn.”
“Thanks for being an actually engaging professor... It was always a great time!”
“Great Professor! Takes The time to create assignments and make sure they are relate-able and instructional”